Plant sale!
Have you recently moved home?
Do you have a new garden or gaps in an older garden?
Or are you just addicted to buying plants?
Then we’re just what you need!
We’re having a humungous
Saturday 5th June
10am – 12pm
Make sure it’s in your diary
Here’s an idea of what’s for sale:
Trees – Hazel, Silver Birch, Horse Chestnut
Stipa gigantea- Golden Oat Grass
Shasta Daisy
Michaelmas Daisy
Brunnera Alexander’s Great (Siberian Bugloss)
Stipa tenuissima (Feather Grass)
Luzulu nivea (Snow Rush)
Erigeron (Mexican Fleabane)
Physalis (Chinese Lantern)
Lychnis coronaria alba (White Rose Campion)
Lemon Balm
Astilbe chinensis (Vision in Red)
Achillea (Yarrow – varieties Cloth of Gold, Cassis, Cerise)
Echinacea (Coneflower)
Japanese Anemone
Geraniums (species not Pelargonium)
Salvia horminum (Blue Denim)
All are perennials (except the Salvia) and mostly herbaceous.
Numbers of each vary so if you really want something you’d better get to the library early!
If you have a newish house and have just the standard builder planting of 3 or 4 plants these will give you some lovely variety!!
All proceeds go to keeping the library open